High Performance Network for the Healthcare Industry
Today’s healthcare providers require advanced technologies to improve the quality of patient care and the efficiency of your organization. These technologies continue to be built out in large datacenters and into the cloud.

Contributing to provide better health outcomes
Healthcare applications are contributing to provide better health outcomes and faster recoveries. The performance of these applications and their ability to improve patient care is directly related to the availability, scalability, and resiliency of your network infrastructure. Is your current network able to support the growth of the data and imagining technologies needed by the medical professionals who use these applications?
Adequate bandwidth – With mHealth (mobile health) now having some 300,000 apps on the market, healthcare consumers are clearly turning to their devices for more online communications and transactions every day which requires healthcare providers to have more bandwidth than ever.
Application prioritization – With telemedicine and essential functions like training happening virtually, healthcare providers need application aware routing with the ability to prioritize the most important and network performance-sensitive applications.
- Simplification of WAN network management
- Ability to ramp up new urgent care centers fast
- Affordable, predictable costs
- 100 percent uptime/business continuity

Advanced Healthcare Connectivity
Enhance patient care with scalable, prioritized, and cost-effective network solutions.
Rapid Healthcare Expansion
Quickly deploy urgent care centers and facilities without hardware delays, reducing costs.
Reliable Healthcare Uptime
Ensure 100% business continuity for critical healthcare operations, even during emergencies.

Cloud Connect
and the impact in healthcare is quite substantial. Today it is not only helping to transform the industry but is actually making a huge social impact. The cloud was among the leading technologies that fought to overcome the pandemic in numerous ways, from helping launch new products faster and delivering high-quality services via telehealth to aiding the development of life-critical decisions and making healthcare more affordable. In an industry in which human lives are at stake, NexGen's cloud solutions are helping healthcare live up to its name and put the "care" in healthcare.
The cloud has the capability to improve the industry's IT infrastructure, reduce costs by effectively using the resources it possesses and turn data on hand into meaningful insights. Another competitive advantage is the speed of innovation. The cloud is a go-to solution to build prototypes or new features of existing products faster.
SD-WAN can help healthcare companies overcome these challenges.
It enables the use of widely available and affordable broadband that eliminates bandwidth constraints and empowers flawless online patient experiences, unhindered cloud and inter-office communications, and crystal-clear transmissions of X-rays, video and other critical imagery. Video, meanwhile, has moved toward the top of the bandwidth-hogging applications as its use in telemedicine and training have skyrocketed.
SD-WAN also allows practices to bring new critical care centers and other facilities online quickly, because the time-consuming and expensive need for ordering, waiting for delivery and installation of on-premise hardware is eliminated. With SD-WAN, your entire network is provisioned, managed and monitored from centralized software controls.
Let's talk about your needs